ARYA Achieves Intrusion Detection Target by 100%

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  • ARYA Achieves Intrusion Detection Target by 100%
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Our previous blog talked about the menace of inventory theft faced by warehouses. Establishments spend a tidy sum on state-of-the-art cameras with high-end features which become nothing more than showpieces in the face of detecting pilferage. Tampering is not detected until a huge loss occurs and CCTV cameras can do little when the employee is determined.Today’s blog features one of our clients Arya Collateral Warehousing Services (P) Ltd who shares how Securens’ Alert Based Monitoring services helped them meet their target.Read on to know their success story…Incorporated in 1982, Arya Collateral Warehousing Services (P) Ltd (ARYA) forayed into Collateral Management for management of stocks, primarily agricultural produce in 2002. It is among the first Collateral Management companies to be incorporated in India with a mission to deliver quality warehousing solutions with an effective blend of technology and business systems.The Need

ARYA started working with the Securens team with an aim to detect 100% Intrusion in all their warehouses. Warehousing being a crucial link in the logistics value chain and pilferage a real threat, ARYA wanted to ensure that their warehouses are secure.

Immediate Resultswarehouse-image-banner

With the help of Alert Based Monitoring services Securens was able to help ARYA achieve their target of intrusion detection by 100%. It not only ensured that their warehouses were protected but the cost saving was beyond their expectations.

Customer Satisfaction – what our client had to sayanand-chandra-image

Anand Chandra
Executive Director, ARYA

“We were astonished by the speed with which we accomplished our goal. What we appreciate most about working with Securens is their presence even in the remotest locations for providing installation support and after-sales services.”