Decoding: Video Analytics for Perimeter Monitoring, Save 60% Cost of Guarding

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  • Decoding: Video Analytics for Perimeter Monitoring, Save 60% Cost of Guarding
Video Analytics for Perimeter Monitoring cover
Guards are by definition not only inefficient and unreliable but also extremely expensive. Organisations have large number of guards securing the perimeter that puts undue and unnecessary financial stress on the profit of the Business Unit.The NeedSecuring a perimeter using video analytics is: Efficient, Reliable and Economical

Moreover technology solution of replacing man-guards is ideal for large factories. This makes technology-based solutions the go-to choice for any organisation keen to save cost and increase consistency.

The Approach

Using various video analytics like line crossing and region of interest, a perimeter can be secured like never before at a cost and reliability that is impossible with man-guarding.

However, just adding video technology does not cut the requirement. You need accessories like:

  1. Halogen lamps,
  2. Two way audio systems,
  3. Siren,
  4. Pre-recorded messages, etc. to make it work efficiently.

Even so, technology plays a small part, about 20% in the process of perimeter monitoring. The process and procedures with right training of the monitoring staff plays the rest of the 80%.

You get the best with Securens. The company’s formidable reputation of deterring crime over the last 5 years is what you get when we say the best.

The project starts with a site survey followed by a report and presentation of expert recommendations based on Securens’ considerable experience. Securens’ is confident that it can save at least 20% of your guarding costs. In some cases, domain recommendations have suggested up to 60% of savings on guards. This implementation pays for itself and saves you monies every month that impacts your EBIT positively.