Security Guards are unreliable, inefficient and expensive.

The success rate to deter attempted crimes using ACTIVE DETERRENCE is almost 100%.

Securens Solutions


Perimeter Intrusion protection using Human detection based video analytics along with ‘ACTIVEDETERRENCETM technology where, the burglary is not only detected instantly but is also deterred immediately using Video Verification, Lights and Sound.
Save 60% of Security Costs.


In-Camera Virtual E-Guard Patrol of premises.
Efficiently perform Guard Patrol at fraction of the costs


Intrusion detection of critical entrances using Intrusion using Human detection based video analytics along with ‘ACTIVEDETERRENCETM technology where, the burglary is not only detected instantly but is also deterred immediately using Video Verification, Lights and Sound.
Efficiently secure entrances.


Monitoring the health of your existing e-surveillance equipment at all your PAN India outlets and also providing you with a single partner for comprehensive AMC across India.
Ensure health of surveillance equipment


Electronically audit 24-hour footage of critical areas of your outlets 4 times a month to check adherence to SoPs. Your electronic Audit Team
Ensure strict compliance to SoPs.

Securens Solutions

Why Securens?

Securens is number 1 eSurveillance Provider in India. Securens has almost 100% success rate

Why Securens?

Securens is number 1 eSurveillance Provider in India. Securens has almost 100% success rate

Why Securens?

Why Securens?

Securens is number 1 eSurveillance Provider in India. Securens has almost 100% success rate

Securens Versatile Mobile APP

In this era of Mobility, Securens has the most advanced and versatile Mobile App in the industry.
Versatile Mobile App

India’s Largest E-Surveillance Provider

Trusted by
Top Brands
Consistent Repeat
Best eSurveillance Provider
PAN India
Installation Service
PAN India
99% Uptime of Monitored Sites
Auto Health

Our Statistics

1 +
Sites Monitored
1 ~
Cameras Monitored
1 +
Global Brands
1 %
Detection Rate
1 +
Crime Deterred
1 +
Police Arrests
We have many reviews from our clients

White Papers

Warehouse Industry Intro

This comprehensive white paper will look to introduce available and affordable surveillance technology. Man-guarding is not only in efficient and unreliable but is also quite expensive. Using the proven e-Surveillance based perimeter monitoring have saved up to 60% costs.

Warehouse Industry - 1

Surveillance technology that can work in conjunction with your night guard to pro-actively detect and deter intrusions and at the same time substantially reduce the cost of your man-guarding.

Warehouse Industry - 2

Surveillance technology that can be used to combat product damage, security inadequacies, fire / flooding, employee theft, negligence of Standard Operating Procedures etc., that may all be eating into your profits.
Image of Paper

Warehouse Industry Intro

This comprehensive white paper will look to introduce available and affordable surveillance technology. Man-guarding is not only in efficient and unreliable but is also quite expensive. Using the proven e-Surveillance based perimeter monitoring have saved up to 60% costs.
Image of Paper

Warehouse Industry - 1

Surveillance technology that can work in conjunction with your night guard to pro-actively detect and deter intrusions and at the same time substantially reduce the cost of your man-guarding.
Image of Paper

Warehouse Industry - 2

Surveillance technology that can be used to combat product damage, security inadequacies, fire / flooding, employee theft, negligence of Standard Operating Procedures etc., that may all be eating into your profits.
Explore how Warehouses have saved up to 60% of security costs.
We will schedule a short call with our experts.