Organizations have found out that to some key points to ensure customer satisfaction is that the customer needs to be greeted quickly once he enters the outlet and that the Billing must be quick and efficient.
This is where ACTIANALYTICS® for Retail Outlets comes in

ACTIANALYTICS is a Video Analytics based system that tracks the customer on entry and alerts the outlet manager is they are not greeted within the company’s specified minutes.  It will also alert the outlet manager is the queue length is exceeded or if a customer is waiting in the queue more than the company specified time limit.

Cameras are installed at the entrance of the outlet and tracks the customers as they walk in.  If the customer is not greeted within the specified time limit, an alert will be sent to Securens command center.  Executives at the Securens command Centre, will do a video verification to ensure that it is not a false alert.  If the Alert is correct, a message will be sent to the Outlet Managers mobile with the image of the person who has not been greeted within the prescribed time limit. 

Similarly, Cameras are installed at the billing counter area. The customer in the billing counter queue is tracked. 

If the customer is in the queue for a time greater than the company specified limit or the queue length has increased beyond the company specified limit, an alert will be sent to Securens command center.  Executives at the Securens command Centre, will do a video verification to ensure that it is not a false alert.  If the Alert is correct, a message will be sent to the Outlet Managers mobile with the image of the person who has spent longer than the specified time limit in the queue or of the queue whose length has exceed the company prescribed limit.

Unlike an automated Video Analytics system that creates a frustrating amount of false alert, the solution provided here is one with Video Verification thus ensuring zero false alerts.

ACTIANALYTICS for Retail will thus go a long way to improve efficiency and customer satisfaction. Making your job very simple!

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Securens Versatile Mobile APP

In this era of Mobility, Securens has the most advanced and versatile Mobile App in the industry.
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Why Securens?

Securens is number 1 eSurveillance Provider in India. Securens has almost 100% success rate

Why Securens?

Securens is number 1 eSurveillance Provider in India. Securens has almost 100% success rate

Why Securens?

Why Securens?

Securens is number 1 eSurveillance Provider in India. Securens has almost 100% success rate

Securens Versatile Mobile APP

In this era of Mobility, Securens has the most advanced and versatile Mobile App in the industry.
Versatile Mobile App

India’s Largest E-Surveillance Provider

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Our Statistics

1 +
Sites Monitored
1 ~
Cameras Monitored
1 +
Global Brands
1 %
Detection Rate
1 +
Crime Deterred
1 +
Police Arrests
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